6/16/2010 Faithful in the least
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.” Luke 16:10 ESV
What do you consider to be beneath you? So many people these days are talking about the great person that they have been created to become. And they tell the truth. God has a great plan for all of us in some way shape or form. We are all destined to be great in God’s eyes. But what does that look like to us now? Do we consider that our greatness may not result in fame and fortune but in the transformation of our family? Do we consider that greatness may be the transformation our our local community? Or do we see greatness as being accompanied by status and accolade? What is greatness really?
If we walk in the truth of God, we will know that all things come from Him alone. Both those who lead and those who follow are great in His eyes, because they are both a part of His plan. So greatness is rooted in God. And so is our perceived elevation or perceived demotion in this world. Sometimes God will send you to a place that you consider to be beneath you before He takes you to the place He shows you. He’ll give you the promise of the promised land and then take you through the wilderness. He tells you that you are called to be King of Israel and then sends you running for your life for over a decade. He comes to save the world from their sin and is brutally murdered on a cross. These promises come to pass, but are preceded by a time of being faithful in that which appears to be beneath the promise. Can you be trusted in that which is beneath your promise?
Looking at Jesus, coming to earth was totally beneath Him. “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV. Yet He walked this earth obediently for thirty three years and became the required sacrifice for sin, for our sakes. He did what was “beneath” Him. He was faithful in the least. When you are God, the least thing you could do is to become human. When you are without sin, the least thing you can do is to become sin for the sake of others. You cannot get much lower than that.
We all have a call to fulfill on this earth. Yet the promotion from God comes after our being faithful in the least we can do. We may gripe and complain about where we are at the moment, knowing that we are destined for more. But God knows that if you can be faithful in the least of things, you will also be able to be trusted with more. God will not give the more to those who cannot be trusted in the least.
So be careful when you find yourself in a situation that is “beneath” you. It may be just the next step to your promotion to more. Be faithful in the least and become ruler over much.
this is a great reminder for me to be steadfast and not lose focus, despite the "disappointments" of today... great post, shayna!