The End of the World?
“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. “ Matthew 24:36
Ok. It doesn’t take a genius to interpret the words “No one”. It doesn’t usually mean some people, or a few people or a couple of people. It means no one. And when Jesus quoted these words he was talking to the disciples, who were the absolute closest people to him outside of the Father. He is telling them that there is no one, not even the angels, not even the Son, who knows when the earth will pass away.
Yet, we have some people today (as has been throughout history) saying that on May 21, 2011, those faithful Christians will be raptured and all others here to experience five months of torment until finally on October 21, 2011 the world will end. This is not the first prediction of the end of the world. In fact, there have been over 200 predictions throughout history from people who thought they had the answer. Despite what scripture actually says.
To me, this points to the sin of humankind. We always want to have the answer to everything. We cannot accept the fact that there are some things on this earth as long as we live here, that we will just never know. And no matter how many random scriptures we string together to come up with some calculation of what the book of Revelation says or what the prophet Daniel said or what we think Jesus told his disciples, we may just never know. Our time is better spent doing the things that we know Jesus said, like loving God, loving each other and making disciples. That way, if the world does come to an end, at least we were busy doing the things that He told us to do while we wait for him to return. He specifically says that we should be busy doing what we know we should do instead of speculating on when he would come (Matthew 24:45-51). How much time has been wasted on things that don’t matter?
Now, I’m not saying that there will be won’t be some good that comes out of this. In 1994, when someone predicted the end of the world, I got a tract on the street that sent me home worried. I was afraid that what they said was true and I didn’t know anything about it. I didn’t grow up in church, so I didn’t read much scripture. But after getting that tract, I started to read. I told my mom about the world coming to an end and she didn’t seemed phased at all. But the people were so specific. How could it not be true? They said it would happen in September 1994 and it was July. I didn’t have much time to read, but I needed to get started. So I started in Revelation, but that didn’t make much sense. So I figured I needed to go to the beginning and read Genesis. Well needless to say that by October 1994, I figured something was off and I forgot about it. But the seed was planted.
There will be some other kid or adult who will pick up a bible for the first time simply because some dude who thinks he has all of the answers in the universe predicted the end of the world. So for that, I am grateful. There will be others, however, who will become disillusioned with the Christian faith as well. I just pray that God continue to reveal the truth to people and have mercy on those who lead others astray. I would hope that Harold Camping, who started this prediction will cancel his radio program and go to Seminary to actually study the word of God before he comes out and preaches again. But if he doesn’t we will forgive him and maybe he’ll simply say that he got the dates mixed up and the calculations wrong just like everybody else who made a prediction that didn’t come to pass. Either way, maybe we should spend less time wondering when Jesus will come back and just do what he told us to do. That way it doesn’t matter. And hey, if I’m wrong, none of it , matters anyway. I wish I knew, though. I need to buy a plane ticket today. God gave me the chance to go on vacation and I want to take it. That would be so mean if He planned to end the world before I get to go to Rome. I’d have to talk to Him about that . . .See y’all Monday!!!
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