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Monday, August 6, 2012

Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and MIrrors

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices--mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law--justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.”  Matthew 23:23 NIV

          The internet has been a buzz with the whole Chick-Fil-A issue.  Dan Cathy articulated his view on gay marriage and those views cause a protest around the country that sent supporters of his view to his stores and haters of his view to demand that his stores be boycotted.  I don’t particularly care for either side of this argument as I think they are both flawed.  I’m still going to eat Chick-Fil-A, not because I support his view, but because I like their food and their commitment to allow their employees off on Sunday.  I liked them so much I considered franchise ownership. Out of all of the businesses I support with my dollars, I do not know the political viewpoint of the owners.  What I do know is how they treat me when I walk through the door and how their business supports or hurts the community. 

          On their appreciation day last week, Chick-Fil-A posted unprecedented sales nationwide as thousands of supporters stood in long lines and demonstrated their solidarity with the fast food chain.  Good for them.  People ate good chicken and a Christian values based company received valuable financial support for taking a stance on a political issue.  We all know that money talks, so putting your money where your mouth is (pun intended) goes a long way. Which brings me to another issue that this highlights for me.

          There is no question that we have morality issues in this country and in the whole world as a matter of fact.  But let’s start with the immorality of our laws and policies that govern our country purposefully marginalizing other people for the benefit and profit of a few.  Justice, mercy and faithfulness are the more important issues of the law (according to Jesus).  Is it right for a man to be persecuted and threatened with boycott for expressing his political stance on a morality issue? No.  He has the right to express that opinion and people have the right to agree.  And the gay rights activists also have a right to express themselves as well.  That is the beauty of the 1st amendment.  Both sides can express themselves without fear of government persecution.  Dan Cathy has “Christian Values”.  Well, I would say that he has a certain set of Christian values.  I personally am a follower of Christ with kingdom values. Sets of rules and moral regulations do not take precedent over what I believe to be the weightier matters of the law.  Rules about this and that do not do a whole lot to advance the kingdom agenda, because if you use the kingdom agenda, you will find that the rules also get followed because the more weightier matters were handled. When you lead with rules, you get more condemnation, not more justice. 

           But what about really putting our money where our mouth is.  So if we believe what the bible says, then shouldn’t we be putting more money into those organizations that support issues of justice, mercy and faithfulness?  How about going out to DONATE the cost of a meal at Chick-Fil-A to an organization that fights to bring equality to our educational system and get rid of these laws that put less money into inner city schools and more into suburban schools?  Or how about protesting the payday lenders that are looking to keep people in a debt trap by charging 369% interest rates and are trying to enter into Pennsylvania as we speak? Or what about unequal lending practices that have been going on in minority communities, charging higher interest rates to people of color which several large banks have just been sued over?  Or what about boycotting those companies who have been presented with data that tells them that the work they are doing is directly affecting the health and well being of the communities they are working in, but who continue to work in these areas anyway.  They are blatantly ignoring the warnings that their drilling, construction, etc, is causing cancer and other diseases, but they figure that the money they would pay out in lawsuits is less than the money they make by continuing, so they ignore it? 

          Do we get up in arms about these issues of justice and mercy and faithfulness the way we do about gay marriage?  Here is another question. . .if the issue is truly about gay marriage, would the same people who went out and supported Chick-Fil-A have done the same if the owner was Muslim?  Selah.

I’m not saying Dan Cathy should not be given support for expressing his Christian beliefs.  I think that the appreciation day showed that people do care about the financial health of an organization that has not been silent on their faith. And I will continue to support Chick-Fil-A.  But seriously, Christians, can we start looking at the weightier matters of the law and stop voting on these morality issues for our government?  We are playing right into the hands of those who hold the majority positions.  Distract them with “morality” and they will miss the bigger picture and things can stay exactly as they are. 

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