My Blog List

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hey People,

So I decided to start a blog so that I can get all this stuff out of me into the electronic world.  I have these conversations with random people at random times and many find it beneficial.  Not because I'm brilliant or anything, but because it's helpful to see things differently sometimes and hear my opinion on some matters.  Namely, God, love and money.   

Many people know the financial advisor side of me mostly because that's all I've given them for the last elven years of my life.  But many people don't know that I have also spent the last six years studying to be a pastor.  Well, I didn't want to be a pastor when I started.  I actually just wanted to learn more about scripture.  I tried to avoid the pastoral part of my calling for a long time.  Primarily because the vision I had of pastors was something I didn't want to be.  I don't like the institutional church that much.  I think it does a poor job of actually pointing people to God and an even poorer job of bearing the fruit of the spirit.  But that could be just my opinion.  I just didn't want to be a part of that system.  Then over the years God showed me that He created me for something new.  I didn't have to be what I saw, if He gave me a new vision.  And I realized that the point of your biggest frustration is sometimes the very thing God uses to create something new.  And I finally stopped fighting.  I surrendered.  It only took six years.  But that's better than forty I guess.  So I can finally say "Yes" when people ask me do I want to be a pastor.  I used to say, "Weeeellllll, not really."  So I still don't kow what it fully looks like yet, but stay tuned.  Maybe we can find out together.

My other passion is money.  Most people knopw that already.  I really do love managing money for people.  I can't even tell you why, but it has a lot to do with my pastoral calling.  I love watching people build up their financial lives and grow and mature and learn in the area of financial literacy.  That's one of the reasons I left my plush corporate job in financial services and took it to the streets again.  It's a rush that Corporate America can't touch for me.  No matter how much they paid me.  (Well maybe I would think about it for like $500k or something.  I mean I could do it for a little while).  But truthfully I wouldn't last long.  It's not where my heart is.  So I gotta move in the direction of my desire.  And this blog is just a piece of that new direction.

Over the last year of my life I have grown in many ways and gotten a lot of revelation about myself, God, relationships, and of course money.  So this blog is a taste of some of what God has shown me about the world and questions I am still asking.  And somehow I have been able to tie all of this to money.  Go figure.  Our finances are usually just a pointer to other things.  So let's talk about it.  

 So I hope you enjoy the posts and please give me some feedback on what you read. 


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